Legislative Assembly | Legislative Council |
1. To be a member a person should not be less than 25 years of age
2. The term of the house is of 5 years
3. The limit of the members is 60 to 500
4. Members are elected by direct election
5. Both Money and Non- Money bill can be initiated
6. It can participate in the elections of the President
7. No-Confidence Motion can be passed
8. It can pass a resolution for the creation and abolition of Legislative Council in the State | 1. To be a member a person should not be less than 30 years of age
2. It is a permanent house. Not a subject to dissolution
3. The limit of the members is 40 to 1/3 of the total members of the assembly
4. 1/3 are elected by MLA's 1/3 by members of local bodies 1/12 elected by graduates 1/12 elected by teachers 1/6 nominated by Governor
5. Only Non- Money Bill can be initiated
6. It cannot participate in the elections of the President
7. No-Confidence Motion cannot be passed
8. It cannot pass a resolution for the creation and abolition of Legislative Assembly in the State |